Vedic Planetary Relationships

MB Planetary Relationships

MB Planetary Relationships displays the kind of relationship shared between different planets. This includes natural, temporary & compound relations. MB Planetary Relationships finds the planetary patterns as they appear in your natal chart and interprets

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects finds the mutual effects of the planets due to their planetary positions and explains the influence of the planetary aspects on your personality and natural traits. This tool lets you know the planetary positions in

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities shows the rulership of the planets in the signs they are present in based on Vedic Astrology. Each planet may or may not be compatible with the sign it is present in. The placements effects the expression of the

MB Vedic Astrology Drishti (Aspects)

MB Vedic Astrology Drishti (Aspects) calculates your aspects according to Vedic Astrology. This includes Rashi Drishtis (Sign Aspects), Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) and Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects). MB Vedic Astrology Drishti (Aspects) Software is

MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects)

MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) calculates the planetary aspects according to Vedic Astrology. Graha Drishti implies planets that are aspected by the specific planet and the planets that aspect this planet. The aspects of the Grahas or planets are

MB Argala (Planetary Intervention)

MB Argala (Planetary Intervention) is an extraordinary tool that generates the argala chart or the planetary intervention chart and lets you know the details about the argala or planetary interventions considering the Vedic astrology planetary patterns as

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Houses

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Houses Software is an extraordinary Vedic astrology tool that finds out the positions of the astrology planets in the astrology houses as they appear in your natal chart. This tool provides you with your Vedic astrology

MB Vedic Astrology House Lords

MB Vedic Astrology House Lords displays the effects or influence of House Lords (planets) that are present in signs other than the ones they rule. This software aims to give you an insight into your future based on Vedic astrology. MB Vedic Astrology

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Signs

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Signs Software does planets and signs analysis and finds out which astrology planets are housed in which astrology signs. This planets and signs astrology software also tells you the planets and signs compatibility as

MB Vedic Ascendant

MB Free Vedic Ascendant is a Vedic Ascendant calculator software based on Vedic Astrology. This program tells us in detail the characteristics and features of people born with a particular ascendant. MB Free Vedic Ascendant gives a detailed report that

MB Vedic Astrology Divisional Charts

MB Vedic Astrology Divisional Charts is an advanced yet simple software based on the principles of Indian Astrology. It gives an insight into the Rashi Chart of a person along with his/her Divisional Charts. The Vedic Divisional Charts or the Vargas is

MB Vedic Astrology

MB Free Vedic Astrology is an unique combination of different Vedic or Indian (Sidereal) Astrology softwares. This includes softwares to calculate your Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign), Nakshatra (Birth Star), Lagna (Ascendant), Janam Kundali (Birth Charts in

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